Cat’s Out of Box


Hi there!

If you’re here, thank you! In this blog, I really just want to look at science/math phenomena and try to break them down. Basically, I want to take the mystery out of things that are hard to wrap our heads around.

If you’re wondering, the blog’s name alludes to Erwin Schrödinger’s thought experiment (Schrödinger’s cat) that suggests that if a cat is in a box and has a 50% chance of being dead, until you open the box, the cat is both dead and alive: essentially, you don’t know. With this blog, I want to open the hypothetical box, the cat’s status being the topics I want to look at. Beyond that, the metaphor falls apart…

Anyway, thanks for joining me!

2 responses to “Cat’s Out of Box”

  1. Hey, I love your blog 🙂
    Number 1 fan!


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